I gave a friend a ride to Priest Lake this weekend. In Idaho. Quite the trip, but it was fun to spend some time at his family’s 8-bedroom/5-bath lodge on the lake (see below). I spent much of yesterday in the water swimming and canoing, then today hiking in some Rockie-esque mountains (Chimney Rock in the bottom-right photo).
More beautiful country! Something tells me you like the northwest! (Good talking to you last night.)
I do. I could’ve spent a week hiking/camping around that area.
Very cool. Isn’t that all technically part of the Rockies up there?
The guy I was hiking with didn’t think it was, but if it’s not, it is pretty close to it.
Yeah, just checked the Rocky Mountain wikipedia. I guess that area would be pretty borderline.
Are those big trees in front of the house Ponderosa pines?
You tell me, botanist. Sure looks like it though. They were telling me that one of those trees fell over on one of their neighbor’s houses after a storm earlier this summer. Sliced through like butter.