Monthly Archives: January 2007

Wed 10 Jan 07

I’m not sure where exactly my religious leanings currently lie. I have a rough idea, but it’s all pretty open-ended at this point. For the moment I guess I’ll just say that I have Christian tendencies. As I’ve said in the past, I think, this is pretty much solely based on my upbringing. Which I’m not saying is a bad thing, just a little limiting. I think my parents did an admirable job of raising an inquisitive mind, but the schools and church they placed me in also did an admirable job of slapping up blinders. Likely more to follow on this subject (expanding knowledge base / exploring world around me) if I ever get around to writing that resolution list (new February resolutions?)

I’ll limit the ruminations for today though.

I’m thinking of this as I’ve been assigned devotions for our weekly team meeting tomorrow morning. I work for a Christian organization, that openly expects its employees to actively profess certain beliefs and even checks you on those beliefs during the interview process. And I can play ball with this game. I can whip up a mean little devotion and speak reasonably articulately on Biblical passages and interpretations in grander contexts.

But it just feels a little strange sometimes. I don’t like the implied obligation to be “spiritual” at a certain time in a certain place. Really, I just don’t operate well with mores. Kind of the way I often feel about Christmas and birthdays. I don’t like the act of giving “because that’s what you’re supposed to do, right now.” It just seems like the act itself loses some of its thunder.

But then in the end I always just sigh and decide not to rock the boat. And it’s not the fear of conflict or whatever. In the end I just decide that I have better things to do with my time then respond to asinine questions from people that have already prejudged you from the moment that you deviate from the straight and narrow.

So, no, there will be no discussion-inciting readings from the Koran tomorrow morning. Just a pithy little number from 2 Corinthians.

Sat 6 Jan 07

On my way to work this morning I saw a lump of a squirrel on the road, preceded by a red smear. I felt sadness. A few minutes later I watched a squirrel scramble across my lane, then abruptly change directions as it reached the median, and begin to dash back toward the curb. I crunched my breaks, spilling the contents of the passenger seat all over the floor, then looked back in time to see him scampering up a tree. The guy in the car behind me probably was none too happy, but I will happily maim the front end of his car if it means I haven’t created another lump in the road. Conscience clear.

Thu 4 Jan 07

Okay, evidentally both my job and the public library don’t want people downloading ftp programs onto their precious hard drives. So after a little head scratching, this process ended up with me dragging my desktop into work this morning and ethernetting into my office network. Reacquainted myself with the basic WordPress installation and database restoration and the groundwork of this site seems to be back in place again. Lots of pictures to get back online, but no real rush I suppose.

Happy New Year! The ubiquitous resolution post will be forthcoming.