Enchantments day hike via Aasgard Pass last weekend. Roughly 14 miles round trip, 4600 ft elevation gain, about 7 hours total including some relaxing time on top. I left the trailhead with a full overnight pack intending to camp, but changed my mind after making quick time and passing many, many people on the way up.

Dragontail Peak and Colchuck Lake, almost tropical-looking water.

Colchuck Lake and looking up at Aasgard Pass. I did not go swimming.

Looking down at Colchuck. Mountain goat heading downslope. I had no issues charging up Aasgard, legs felt sharp the whole way.

Saxifraga oppositifolia (purple mountain saxifrage) – according to Wikipedia I could’ve eaten this (“The petals are edible. They are bitter at first but after about 1 second, they become sweet.”) Also potentially the highest elevation angiosperm in the world. Thanks Wikipedia! The view northwest from the top of Aasgard Pass.

Enchantment (frozen) lakes. Glacial blue water with McClellan Peak in the shadowy distance. Snowy unnamed point in front of Little Annapurna.

Backside of Dragontail. More blue – melted out lakes would’ve made for better photos, but still a nice range of terrain and color on this hike.

Sledding hill with a hypothermic finish. Me gaitered up in front of frozen Isolation Lake and Dragontrail.

I hopped around on the snow for about an hour, refueled on Clif shot bloks, then headed back toward the car.

Ran into my mountain goat buddy again on the way down (he was munching his way back the pass). I stopped to take photos and after a couple minutes he moseyed over to a rock with a view to regurgitate and rechew his food. I sat on a rock about 30 feet away watching the food ripple up and down his throat and enjoying the shared view out over Colchuck Lake.

Something succulent. Dodecatheon sp. (Shootingstar).

Looking back at Aasgard. And looking back at Colchuck Pass.

This is as good as my legs have felt on a hike in years. Weirdly little fatigue or lactic acid burn in the quads. Lovely day.