6 Mar 05

Maybe it just comes down to being happy with where your at. We had a burst of sunshine and temps in the forties today, so Mary and I took advantage of the day (before yet another cold front rolls through) and took the dogs out to Lake Michigan. For just a moment I thought, you know, this isn’t so bad. The sun is shining. Lake Michigan is only a forty-five minute drive away. The dogs are soaring over the snow chunks and teasing the tide. But just for a moment. Then I caught the acquiescence and realized that that’s how it should be all the time. The sun should be shining more than fifty percent of the year. The drive should be ten minutes. And the dogs should be leaping into the surf not dodging it. I won’t settle yet.

That said, it really was a great afternoon. And suppose there’s something to be said for a greater appreciation of the weather after a miserable winter. This was Taylor’s first exposure to a large body of water. She approached cautiously and freaked out a little when I tried to carry her closer. Trammell on the other hand dashed in and out with confidence and seemed oblivious to the cold. I love watching their two personalities when they have unlimited room to play and new terrain to explore. Mary had to work at three so I don’t think the dogs had their fill of romping, but they were still tired enough to sleep on the car ride back.