I went on a four-hour bike ride through Cowiche Canyon yesterday. Super fun zipping up and down the single track trails. Snapped a few more nerdy plant pictures while out and about. Offloading them here for future reference. I think the Death Camas was kind of a cool find.
Cowiche Canyon uplands single track bike path and view to the south of Yakima:
Artemisia rigida (Stiff sagebrush):
Ribes cereum (Squaw currant):
Balsamorhiza hookeri (Hooker’s balsamroot):
Astragalus purshii (Woolly-pod locoweed):
Zigadenus venenosus (Death camas):
Balsamorhiza sagittata (Arrow-leaf balsamroot):
Brodiaea howellii (Brodiaea): (left photo)
Allium sp. (Wild onion): (right photo)