Wed 31 Jul 13

Tonight for dinner we grilled onions and zucchini from the garden and a chicken that was pasture-raised just outside of Yakima (Baron Farms). Also had our own garden roma tomatoes and later browsed on grapes off the vine. Pretty good bet that that’s about as locally-sourced as we can get for a complete meal here.

It’s a yard cornucopia! The 2013 yard list: blueberries, cherries, raspberries, grapes, tomatoes (cherry, roma, lemon boy), zucchini, walla walla sweet onions, swiss chard, spinach, jalapeno peppers, romaine lettuce, basil, thyme, rosemary, chives, oregano, and cilantro.

3 thoughts on “Wed 31 Jul 13

  1. JOZ

    Sounds so good! You must have your dad’s gift for gardening. With all its virtuous upbringing, how was the Baron Farms chicken? Just bought some Rainier cherries yesterday–the last of the season, I was told. Do they come from your area too?

  2. Josh Post author

    The chicken was really small. It was good, but I don’t think it was noticeably better than the organic chicken we buy from Costco. We probably won’t do it again. Mary really likes their strawberries though (bought at their farmer’s market booth). We’ll probably go pick a bunch some time.

    Most sweet cherries, like Rainier, come from Washington state. Big business around Yakima. It was kind of a rough cherry year for the growers here though as we had a late rain right when the cherries were ripening in June (causes cherries to crack).

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