Monthly Archives: June 2013

Wed 26 Jun 13

Some photos taken by a local newspaper photographer at our tri-weekly ultimate Frisbee game. You can see the back of my head a bunch of times (orange shirt) and Mary making some funny faces.

Photos link

There was a reporter there too (slow news week? free Snowden!), so there might be a little write-up in the paper somewhere down the road.

Thu 20 Jun 13

Photos from a couple days ago, climbing at Jayhawk (the spot Mary and I stopped at with Parko a week before). Mostly climbed on the lefthand routes, lots of fun gas pockets halfway up. Not sure of any difficulty ratings since the crag is newly developed, but we didn’t climb anything obviously too difficult. Nice to spend a day climbing above the pine trees.

Tue 11 Jun 13

Mary and I took Parko on an afternoon outing up to the Rimrock Lake area (40 minutes from our house) on Sunday. We stopped at the lake first and let Parko run on the shore there for a bit, but there was a little too much human activity around, so we drove down the road a few minutes and found a quieter spot on the South Fork Tieton River to explore.

We parked at a random spot along the road, then bushwhacked a couple minutes down to the river. Parko romped around the icy water with a little coaxing, but mostly seemed more interested in the adjacent woods smells.

I was vaguely aware of a rock climbing crag in the vicinity and the vagueness became obvious once I noticed the only prominent rock outcrop in view from our river playground (you can see it behind Mary in the top photo on this post). Just a short walk through the woods. Really, really neat spot and I’m excited to come back soon with my climbing gear.

Mon 10 Jun 13

A few current photos from around the homestead. Chard and spinach falling all over each other in the garden. Tomatoes and peppers surging in the warm weather.

Walla walla sweet onions and romaine lettuce. Our new riding lawnmower (has cut the yard mowing time by probably about a two-thirds).

Cherry season! Almost, at least. I’ve been picking nearly-ripe cherries for the past few days. Tart, but still awesome.