Author Archives: Josh

20 Feb 05

I could never be a mailman in Michigan because I would get too angry at all the lazy people who don’t shovel their sidewalks in the winter. I’d just walk around all day with this big tension ball inside, thinking about how pathetically indolent people are. Go eat your Big Mac you bum! Or maybe I would just slide their mail under the sidewalk snow so they would have to shovel to find it.

19 Feb 05

Guess this site finally made it onto some search engines since I just started receiving my first comment spam. Hooray for online gambling! I do have some spam blockers in place, but I guess those buggers slipped through somehow. Oh well, I may be upgrading to WordPress 1.5 in the near future anyway. That should slow them down at least.

18 Feb 05

Mary left for St. Louis yesterday afternoon leaving me and the dogs to fend for ourselves.

9:58 Wake, let the dogs out, cleanup up the Taylor-pee puddle on the kitchen floor.
10:05 Make fruit smoothie, read book in bed.
10:15 Run with dogs to golf course.
11:45 Return, eat left-over potatoes and make second smoothie, clean kitchen.
12:30 Full-court basketball at Wedgwood.
2:40 Weightlifting and soccer at Calvin.
4:20 Return, let dogs out, eat three bowls of SunChips, goof around on computer.

And I guess that’s what I’m up to now. Kind of feels like being in college again. Now, where’s that cereal?

16 Feb 05

I now by law own a couple of 100 foot tall cottonwood tree along with some oak, cedar, cherry, a whole bunch of pine trees and nearly an acre of dirt. I have my own mini forest. We met with the seller, real estate agents, and bank agents this morning, signed 850 documents, and turned over our down payment. I don’t think we could’ve asked for a better previous owner. Doug something or other, probably in his late forties or early fifties. He mentioned that he had a masters degree but just by looking at his paint-stained shirt and chapped gnarled hands you had to assume he had a blue-collar job somewhere. After all the official business, Doug handed us two thick folders full of papers relating to the property. Topographic maps, soil borings, requests to the city for zoning variances, sewer plans and so on. All things that I’m sure took him months of work and probably will save us a significant amount of time and expense when we decide to build. He even handed us a DVD containing most of the documents in html format. Very cool indeed. He then spoke with affection about plants and wildlife of the property, explained a little history, and encouraged us to really get a feel for the property before building a house.

15 Feb 05

I made the mistake a couple days ago of letting Trammell lick the smoothie remnants from my cup. Since then this has become a routine every time a smoothie is consumed and both our dogs have become quite attentive every time the blender clicks on. I’m assuming it’s the yogurt they like, but who knows? Maybe it’s the mango.