Fri 27 Sep 13

Old dogs are expensive. Mary took Nora to the vet this week to get an ear hematoma (another one!) drained and stitched. While there, she asked about some weird looking lumps on Nora, which turned out to be cancerous. So the vet lopped those off while Nora was knocked out anyway and a thousand dollars later Nora has some new ragged scars and a ridiculous cone collar to show for it. And hopefully no cancer for the moment.

4 thoughts on “Fri 27 Sep 13

  1. JOZ

    Ouch! A thousand dollars. How old is she? You weren’t ready to let her go? (I know, I know, she’s part of your family . . . .) Is the cancer likely to return?

  2. Josh Post author

    She’ll be 8 years in October. It wasn’t a matter of letting her go, since for now they were just cancerous surface tumors that could be removed. If it’d been something more dramatic that involved dog-chemo or something equally absurd, then, yeah, we wouldn’t have gone through with it.

  3. ZDad

    Spike sends his get well wishes. He’s had major surgery once (out back under a tree) so understands what Nora is going through.

  4. Mary

    JOZ, definitely not ready to let her go. They removed the tumors, which were quite small actually, and sent in the biopsy to Washington State University…found out they are low grade cancerous tumors. Nora still has a good quality of life, and we’re hoping for a few more good years yet.

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