Sun 7 Apr 13

Lots of stuff in bloom around here right now. Here are some pictures of our cherry trees. We have eleven of them. I’m pretty sure that’s more cherries than we could possibly consume in a year given that we barely dug into the one cherry tree at our last house. At least the birds will be happy with their feast.

The irrigation water turned on last week (canal behind our house was running already a couple weeks ago). I’m not sure why anyone needs to water their lawn in April, but after the recent stretch of warm weather, lots people happily cranked on their sprinklers.

Parko and I went on a run through the Cowiche Canyon uplands yesterday morning. Lots of people and dogs out enjoying the weekend sun. Wildflowers aplenty. Prairie star and balsamroot pictured below. Violet above.

Lots of phlox. Some buckwheat getting close to blooming. A nice view overlooking the valley. Grass widow lingering.

7 thoughts on “Sun 7 Apr 13

  1. ZDad

    Looks great. I was comparing your photos to the grim appearance of Grand Rapids on the Calvin College web cam. I can see why you like Yakima.

  2. JOZ

    So beautiful! All those blossoms give me hope. Our week here looks pretty gray, but my daffodils are up and just waiting for the right day to bloom.

  3. JOZ

    Five or so inches of rain today in GR. Lots of flooding already (my basement). Rivers setting all-time records. People near the Grand north and south of downtown (which has flood walls) being urged to clear belongings from ground floors. Even 131 closed in places. All this after last year’s record-setting drought. High today in low 70s; tomorrow 30 degrees colder. Still no blooming daffodils. Wish you were here?

  4. Josh Post author

    That sounds pretty miserable. GR is having a rough weather year. I’m sure if we were still at our old house on Worcester that back yard would be a pond right now. Our daffodils bloomed a month ago here.

  5. JOZ

    Yeah, even the flood walls in downtown didn’t spare it.. Apparently the pressure of the river pushed the ground water up into downtown businesses. The Amway and other hotels had to be evacuated. Comstock Park had only boat traffic. Ada and Lowell were also hit hard, bridges out. Volunteers were being urged to come fill sandbags. This morning is bright, cool, and sunny but some of the rivers were still cresting last night.

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